
03 Dec 2015

Peekaboo Reaches Barbados

peekabooThe Horizon 50 catamaran “Peekaboo” nears Barbados and completes it crossing of the Indian Ocean and South Atlantic en route to Florida. In the safe hands of Captain Jean Groenwald and with the Owner on board they departed Mauritius and negotiated some of the roughest seas in the Southern Ocean to round Cape Hope. The local knowledge and experience of the Captain was essential for the safe passage.


Then long and comparability undemanding crossing of the Atlantic stopping briefly in St Helena and Fortaleza has brought them to the Caribbean.

Reliance Yacht Management originally delivered Peekaboo from the Mediterranean to Reunion Island in the Southern Indian Ocean via the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden

The crew will be keen to complete the delivery to the US and celebrate Christmas ashore.

02 Dec 2015

What do you call group of Leopards?

Male LeopardsReliance Yacht Management takes a Leap across the Indian Ocean.

The collective noun for leopards is a Leap and we just delivered a Leap of 2 from the Seychelles to the Maldives for the same client. Each Leopard was 38ft long and built by Robertson and Caine in Cape Town. Our client was able to track their progress on line as they made their way across the Indian Ocean to the capital Male.

27 Nov 2015

Delivering Winter Sun

Reliance Yacht Management is helping Yacht Owners escape the cold.

In addition to our crewed deliveries across the Atlantic from Northern Europe and the Mediterranean, we are booked to move yachts alongside ships for loading.

Sevenstar Yacht Transport’s have announced upcoming sailing from Eemshaven and Southampton to St Thomas in January. Our Captains will be there with clients’ boats

Port of calls and approximate dates are as follows:

Loading Eemshaven NL, 10-20 January 2016
Loading Southampton UK, 10 -20 January 2016

ETA St Thomas USVI 05 – 10 February

Please don’t hesitate to contact me for a delivery quote. Call on +44 1252 378239 or send me an email


26 Nov 2015

Repossessed Yacht Sold

Just to update you that the yacht you repossessed for us in Croatia has finally been sold and the Bank`s debt recovered in full.

Many thanks for your professionalism and beinging the yacht home safely through that squall.




24 Nov 2015

We Are Pleased to Announce Our Continued ISO 9001 Accreditation

An External Audit Confirms our Continued High Business Standards.

Following a recent external audit we are pleased to announce that we continue to comply and exceed the standards required for the ISO9001 accreditation.

Reliance Yacht Management embraces the value and principles set out by the ISO9001

ISO 9001 is one of the most widely business standards recognized in the world. It is a quality management standard that presents guidelines intended to increase business efficiency and customer satisfaction. The goal of ISO 9001 is to embed a quality management system within an organization, increasing productivity, reducing unnecessary costs, and ensuring quality of processes and products.

Customer focus

This principle is set to guide businesses towards a customer focussed outlook as a part of their commitment to quality. As part of ISO 9001 we demonstrate that our business ensures a balance between satisfying customers and other interested parties – owners, suppliers, yacht builders, dealers, crew, employees, and society in general.


The principle of leadership means we have a clear vision of the company’s future. Strong leadership within a business ultimately results in motivation to work towards goals and objectives across all levels of the business. This mandatory procedure will minimise miscommunication between levels.

Process approach

ISO 9001 is a standard centred on improving processes. Results are achieved when business activities are managed as a process. By systematically defining key activities and factoring in resources, methods and materials Reliance Yacht Management can look to achieve great results.

System approach to management

Each of the processes implemented in our business interlink and contribute to the success of achieving our organisation’s objectives. By measuring and evaluating, our processes will ensure quality and lead to continual improvement.

Continual improvement

This is a permanent objective. With ISO mandatory procedures we have the performance advantage and are able to react quickly and efficiently to opportunities.

Factual approach to decision making

With accurate and reliable data and information available to those who need it informed decisions can be made; again resulting in continual improvement for our business.

Mutually beneficial supplier relationships

Applying the principles of mutually beneficial supplier relationships typically leads to establishing a balance short-term gains with long-term considerations.

Implementing these principles as part of ISO 9001 certification We offer a range of benefits, including improved customer loyalty, better use of our resources, and improved customer satisfaction. Beyond this, we also find that improved processes allow us to obtain market share through fast responses to market opportunities.

Reliance Yacht management is the only yacht delivery company to reach the standards required to be awarded ISO9001.


24 Nov 2015

Reliance Yacht Management look backs at Annapolis 2015.

Reliance Yacht Management can look back on a successful boatshow in Annapolis.

We had the pleasure of meeting many clients whose sailing interests are in Europe, Caribbean, USA and Asia. It was particularly pleasing to see past clients return to us for their delivery needs. There was significant interest in our online systems giving clients real-time solution to access and track the status of all their deliveries.

Clients also showed a growing demand for our equipment supply services. Our discount rates and ability to deliver safety and charter equipment to yachts prior to delivery has proved a valuable solution and cost cutting exercise for dealers and fleet managers.

Annapolis claims to host the world’s largest boat shows–the Annapolis Sailboat Show featuring new sailboats and a separate event, the Annapolis Powerboat Show which is devoted to new powerboats. The Annapolis Boat Shows offer the opportunity for boaters to check out the latest and the best boats and accessories on the market.

We look forward to seeing you there next year.


Latest news from Annapolis 2015

Reliance Marine Store



19 Nov 2015

Yacht Tracking All Over the World

Reliance Yacht Management Provides Security & Assurance to Yacht Owners

It used to be not too long ago that Owners would hand over the keys of their yacht plus a bunch of money to a delivery captain, who then sailed off into the sunset with it all not knowing if and when they will see either again.

Fortunately things have moved on and Reliance Yacht Management is able to provide regular position reports through their tracking systems giving their clients much needed reassurance and charter operators a tool to manage their fleets more efficient and securely.

One system that is low costs, simple to use and easily transferable in the Spot Gen3 tracker

Anyone who travels by land, sea and air! Since its launch, SPOT’s satellite technology has provided peace of mind by helping initiate more than 2,500 rescues and counting and providing GPS tracking services. Over the past five years, recreational outdoor enthusiasts, athletes, government agency employees, National Geographic explorers and photographers, and researchers are just some of the people that have benefited from using SPOT.

The screen shot shows some of the yachts on delivery today with us using this system.

The Spot3 and other security devices are available through our store


10 Nov 2015

Reliance Yacht Management Offers Largest Range of AIS Systems


Reliance Yacht Management offers an extensive range and safety, navigation and communication equipment through their new marine store including the largest range of AIS devices.

Automatic Identification System (AIS) is a vessel tracking system capable of communicating navigation information automatically between AIS equipped vessels and coastal authorities. Vessels equipped with a receiver can also benefit by knowing the whereabouts and intentions of these ships. AIS provides a tool for improved safety and collision avoidance. Since 2004, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) has instituted carriage requirements for vessels affecting both worldwide and local shipping traffic. These carriage requirements apply to commercial vessels subject to the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) convention.

The devices are being supplied and installed to private pleasure craft by Owners that recognise the safety benefits. Mandatory regulation requires all vessels over 300 tonne on an international voyage and all domestic vessels over 500 tonne to have an AIS transponder installed. Passenger ships irrespective of size are also required to carry an AIS transponder.

Promotion Coupon

Using the promotion code 5pc2015 customers can have a 5% discount through the company’s web store

Reliance Yacht Management is the leading company providing delivery and logistical solutions to the leisure marine market worldwide.

06 Nov 2015

Don’t Mention the World Cup

A former client brings us the latest news from New Zealand

Hi Nick

Just to let you know that we competed in one of New Zealands best known yacht races the 2015 Coastal Classic. A 120 mile race from Auckland to Russell. Over 150 boats entered, but only 69 made it to the finish line because of strong head winds and big seas. We entered the ‘no extras’ division (10 boats) where the rule is to use mainsail and Genoa only. We came third on line and third on handicap! The interesting thing is we used the original sails that the boat was delivered from the factory with! The ones the delivery crew struggled with in the Med. 10 years old!

Photo is on the journey home, but the race was in 20knts+ and on the nose!



06 Nov 2015

Belize 43 Tortola to Miami

Hi Nick,


I just wanted to let you know that the boat arrived in good shape and the crew took good care of our baby.  Chris and crew were very professional and got her cleaned up nicely and turned over to us.  I just wanted to let you know all is well here.


Thanks again for your help.  I am sure we will be hearing from you soon.


Keith and Teri

Fountain Pajot Belize 43 delivered from Tortola to Miami

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